How to Distribute and Promote Your Podcast

The distribution structure of podcasting is an outgrowth of blogging. In particular, podcasting uses RSS, also known as “Really Simple Syndication.” For many people who are not familiar with podcasting tools and technology, this might be confusing and even intimidating. But that shouldn’t stop you from making your own podcast.

In this episode of Podcasting for Consultants, Jonathan will tell you exactly how a podcast is distributed and how to grow your audience to get optimal results.

Listen to this episode and learn about:

  • Where are podcasts distributed? (2:06)
  • Should you include video in your podcast? (4:39)
  • Leveraging your guests audience and network (8:48)
  • Why promoting on social media is mainly for visibility (9:39)
  • Where to find more podcast listeners (12:07)

About the host 

Jonathan Baillie Strong

Jonathan is the founder of Spotlight Podcasting, a New York based agency that helps consultants & B2B service providers launch and produce shows that drive sales and leads for their businesses.

New to the show? Podcasting for consultants shares all the best practices and advice on everything from why you should start one, what equipment you need, how often you should publish episodes, who will help you launch my podcast (we're here!) - all the way through to booking your ideal clients as guests so that you can grow your business. Have a listen to our trailer and subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player.